The Corn Refiners Association is committed to helping restore and protect monarch butterflies through our partnership with the Keystone Monarch Collaborative.

For the last two decades, monarch butterfly populations have been dwindling. Agriculture organizations, farmers and public agencies are joining forces to help the conservation and recovery of the monarch butterfly.

CRA is proud to work with the Monarch Collaborative to conserve Monarch butterflies in their natural habitats.

Productive agriculture and livestock operations can play a vital role in the preservation of the monarch population. Increasing milkweed and nectar plants in rural areas can benefit monarchs without mitigating crop or livestock production. Farmers and ranchers are gracious stewards of sizable portions of the monarch habitat. Thus, they are in a vital position to support sustainable monarch populations.

The Monarch Collaborative and the Corn Refiners Association are taking tangible steps to preserve monarch populations by:

  • Identifying ways to support healthy monarch populations through innovative agriculture practices
  • Increasing awareness of our strategies with members of the Corn Refiners community
  • Promoting the implementation of conservation practices that will sustain and support butterfly populations throughout the corn refining community and the broader agriculture community

As stewards of the land across much of the monarch butterfly migration corridor, America's farmers, ranchers, and agribusinesses play an important role in habitat conservation efforts.

The Corn Refiners Association is committed to helping the Keystone Monarch Collaborative reverse the decline of monarch butterflies through conservation efforts by our many members.

Find more information on the Keystone project. Or, visit the Farmers for Monarchs website.