
American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF)
American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) is the Voice of Agriculture®. We are farm and ranch families working together to build a sustainable future of safe and abundant food, fiber and renewable fuel for our nation and the world.

Corn Refiners Association (CRA)
Corn Refiners Association is the national trade association representing the corn refining (wet milling) industry of the United States. CRA and its predecessors have served this important segment of American agribusiness since 1913. Corn refiners manufacture starches, sweeteners, corn oil, bioproducts, and animal feed ingredients.

Hemp Industries Association (HIA)
Since 1994, the Hemp Industries Association® (HIA®) is a non-profit trade association representing more than thirteen-hundred (1,300) supporting, farming and business members. The hemp industries are emerging to become a major global economic force as a result of new applications and opportunities. Hemp is a sustainable choice for industrial products, textiles, and also offers exceptional ingredients and components for nutrition and wellness products. The HIA stands for the fair and equal treatment of industrial hemp and it’s opportunities in agriculture and in the marketplace. The Association is dedicated to education, industry development, and the accelerated expansion of the hemp world market and is focused on the rebirth of the hemp industries in the United States. Hemp is one of our planet’s most important natural resources, and we advocate for the whole plant. this important segment of American agribusiness since 1913. Corn refiners manufacture starches, sweeteners, corn oil, bioproducts, and animal feed ingredients.

National Corn Growers Association (NCGA)
Founded in 1957, the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) represents more than 40,000 dues-paying corn farmers nationwide and the interests of more than 300,000 growers who contribute through corn checkoff programs in their states. NCGA and its 48 affiliated state organizations work together to create and increase opportunities for corn growers.

National Cotton Council of America (NCC)
National Cotton Council of America (NCC) aims to ensure the ability of all U.S. cotton industry segments to compete effectively and profitably in the raw cotton, oilseed, and U.S.-manufactured product markets at home and abroad. NCC serves as the central forum for consensus-building among producers, ginners, warehousers, merchants, cottonseed processors/dealers, cooperatives, and textile manufacturers. The organization is the unifying force working with the federal government to ensure that the raw cotton industry’s interests are considered.

National Cottonseed Products Association (NCPA)
National Cottonseed Products Association (NCPA) is an organization of firms and individuals engaged in the processing and marketing of cottonseed and cottonseed products. Members include oil mills, refiners, product dealers, and product brokers.

National Farmers Union (NFU)
Founded in 1902, National Farmers Union represents 200,000 family farmers and ranchers across the country. The grassroots organization promotes fair, sustainable food systems and rural resilience through a combination of advocacy, education, and cooperation.

National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA)
NGFA, established in 1896, comprises more than 1,050 member companies that operate more than 7,000 facilities and handle more than 70 percent of the U.S. grain and oilseed crop. NGFA’s membership encompasses all sectors of the industry, including country, terminal and export grain elevators; commercial feed and feed ingredient manufacturers; biofuels producers; cash grain and feed merchants; end-users of grain and grain products, including processors, flour millers, and livestock and poultry integrators; commodity futures brokers and commission merchants; and allied industries. In addition, affiliated with the NGFA are 33 state and regional grain and feed trade associations. Canadian and Mexican firms also are NGFA members.

National Oilseed Processors Association (NOPA)
Founded in 1930, the National Oilseed Processors Association (NOPA) represents the U.S. soybean, canola, flaxseed, safflower seed and sunflower seed crushing industries. NOPA’s members operate a total of 60 soybean and six softseed solvent extraction plants across 22 states to produce meal and oil used in human food, animal feed, fuel and industrial applications. Collectively, NOPA members process 95 percent of all soybeans in the United States.

North American Millers’ Association (NAMA)
North American Millers’ Association (NAMA) represents millers of wheat, corn, oats, and rye in the United States and Canada. NAMA members take the raw grain and, through grinding and crushing, create flour and other products that are used to make such favorite foods as bread, pasta, cookies, cakes, and snack foods.
Plant Based Products Council (PBPC)
The Plant Based Products Council is the leading advocacy group encouraging a more sustainable and responsible future through the use of products derived from nature. They work to guide the global economy toward more sustainable and responsible consumer products and packaging.